Warren found some pretty interesting stats on workplace romances. Chat GPT tells us a workplace romance storiesWarren forgot he worked the World Series
Warren & Feathers are joined by Kyle Roed, host of the Rebel HR podcast, to discuss being your authentic self in HR. Check Kyle out on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-roed/Listen to the Rebel…
Warren & Feathers talk about the stupid HR hashtags that we got inundated with in 2022 and Feathers has created a new hashtag he wants to see go viral...
Attorney Response to another attorney who chooses not to return from maternity leave Patrick's new favorite Sub-Reddit: LinkedIn Lunatics Absurd hiring process What's your favorite Pizza Topping ? An attorney's…
Check out Warrens curls Bro Rebel HR: 90% of Leadership Books are BS with Dr. Brad Harrishttps://www.rebelhumanresources.com/1173185/11253473 Believe it or not Warren can read The only time Warren's had imposter…
While Warren is flying solo again, All of us want to thank you for an excellent 2022. Warren answers questions: What does he look for in a podcast What podcasts does…
Had some fun making this one hope you enjoy and appreciate the special guest. Support the show Want to:* Share a dumb employee question* Share a crazy story* Ask us…
HUGE Thanks to Jazmine & Kristina of BakedHR for pinch-hitting at the last minute on what was supposed to be a shorty episode, but we had too much fun!We dissect…
We're very pleased to welcome back Jon Hyman as a return guest to discuss his Worst Employers of 2022.Vote Now: https://www.ohioemployerlawblog.com/2022/12/vote-for-worst-employer-of-2022.html Is the Chesapeake Walmart where the shooting happened a Worst…