New feature – Companion Blogs!

I’ve been using Generative AI for a variety of tasks on for Jaded HR including show prep notes, research, show notes, and production. Now, I’m excited to use AI to generate companion blog posts for the episodes.

A companion blog post is a short, concise summary of an episode that provides additional information and context. It can be a great way to highlight key takeaways from the episode, provide links to additional resources mentioned in the episode, tell you about things that didn’t make it into the episode for any number of reasons (You don’t know how many times I’m listening while producing and think ‘Oh, I should have said this’ or something didn’t come across as intended.) Of course having a companion blog post won’t hurt the SEO of our blog or podcast 😉
I’m still experimenting with how I’ll use AI to generate companion blog posts, but I’m excited to see how it can help me improve the podcast.

Generative AI to generate is going to be a great tool for creating companion blog posts:

  • It saves time. Generating a blog post from scratch can be time-consuming, but AI can help you create a rough draft in minutes.
  • It kinda improves accuracy. AI can help you ensure that your blog posts are free of errors.

AI is great but it still often gets things wrong. Sometimes VERY wrong. So I’ll use the AI to create the final draft of the post for me to edit, put my personal style into and share.

Let’s see how this goes


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